This book is based on Jack Finnell’s leadership and management experience in the U.S. Navy along with his corporate career & a couple of multi-million dollar start-ups that he and his business partner sold to pubicly traded corporations. It’s also a guide and reference to the Growth Accelerators Program

“Are Leaders and Managers different? We think so, don’t we? Leaders inspire, and managers execute, right? Some people seem to be good at one role and not so good at the other. Well let me assure you right now – you absolutely can perform both roles effectively. You don’t even have to change who you are. You will need to concentrate on certain activities and techniques that anyone who wants to can master.”
Jack Finnnell

Reference Documents for the Book & Growth Accelerators

These documents are for graduates of Growth Accelerators and
can be used to achieve further goals & programs in the future

What People are Saying about the Book

“For the first time Manager to the most Seasoned CEO – Practical advice with examples and solid tools. When it comes to management, Jack Finnell is clearly one who has been in the trenches, both literally during his military service and figuratively in the daily battles fought growing a successful business. This book really delivers! It is a synthesis of his unique set of experiences that are outlined throughout the pages – from semi-pro drummer in a rock band & graduating from Yale, to his time in the Navy then great success rising through the management ranks at a F100 technology company – followed by years building his own business from the ground up that culminated in a successful multi-million dollar sale.”

Tom FedroCEO Paragon Software Group

“This is a very helpful book. It fills in some of the important gaps not taught in business schools. Yes, it’s good to know about regression analysis or statistical sampling methodology, but what about managing people, achieving goals and corporate politics? These issues can be even more important and they are addressed in this book in a conversational, informal style that makes the material easy to digest. The presentation is not theoretical either; it’s based on the author’s own personal experience as a manager and comes across as real. No matter where someone might be in their business career, I know they would benefit from this book. I highly recommend it.”

John M. FrisbiePrincipal at Atlanta Marketing

“A little book loaded with plenty of wisdom. Management books often remind me of those boring MBA lectures. But this one certainly is NOT anything like that. It’s easy to read, lots of valuable insights that are short and concise, and made me laugh throughout. Very refreshing. Thank you, Jack!”

Anna YeeManagement Director at SCT Wealth Management